Hello and welcome to Turn the Paige! I can't believe I started a blog! I am absolutely thrilled to have you join me!!
"Why Turn the Paige"?
You might be wondering why I chose this name. Well... first, my name is Paige. And who doesn't love a cute play on words? But More importantly, it's all about embracing the idea that each day is a new page, in your life's book. This book shows progress. Positive and negative experiences that we learn from. And we're here to help you turn those pages in a way that works for you. Especially when you have ADHD or executive dysfunction. My goal is to make every page a story of resilience, learning, and personal growth.
So...who is Turn the Paige?
Coaching, Education, Advocacy and Partnership.
Turn the Paige is your friendly neighborhood coach...but also globally available. Your partner in navigating your recent diagnosis or fighting for the appropriate educational environment for your child. My goal is to be your strategy guide, accountability buddy, emotional support extraordinaire, and your cheerleader all rolled into one.
Meet Our Team:
My name is Paige Krug. Founder of Turn the Paige. My team here consists of me, myself, and I. I am a woman who wears many hats which is how I run this thing on my own.

A few of my credentials: Certified ADHD/Executive Function Coach, Licensed Special Education Teacher. But there's more where that came from. I will say I could not do what I do without connecting with other experts and providers who shed insight and knowledge when working with my clients.
What can you expect?
Authentic Stories:
Having ADHD, a co-occuring diagnosis, or executive dysfunction is freaking hard. No one is here to pretend like it's an easy thing to deal with on a day to day basis. Whether it's you trying to cope with it or a close family member, it can be a struggle. Completing one task can feel like 12 and then it spirals. I get it. But, there is a way out. I'm not saying it's easy. But I will be sharing many of my own success stories either myself, clients, or you will hear from guest writers who will paint a picture of what success looks like for them.
Monthly Theme:
Each month, we'll explore a different topic. From exploring a new ADHD diagnosis, executive functions, co-occurring diagnoses, discussing accommodations at school or at work, working through ADHD at home, and more!
Expert Insights:
We'll share the latest research, resources, and proven strategies to help you and/or your child harness your ADHD superpowers, executive dysfunction, and any challenges that come with it. We may even have some guest writers in the future. Keep your eyes peeled.
Resource example below

Whether you're a parent seeking guidance for your child, an adult navigating the workplace, or just someone curious about ADHD, Turn the Paige is here for you. My blog is just the beginning of a journey filled with learning, growth, and knowing that every victory, no matter how small is meant to be celebrated.
Bookmark this page, subscribe to my newsletter, and get ready to embark on an exciting adventure. Together, we'll turn the PAIGES of your life's book and discover the extraordinary story of what success looks like for you.
Stay tuned for next months post. Until then, take a deep breath, and remember, YOU'VE GOT THIS!
All the best,
Coach Paige
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